
Charity_3_webThe CGOA changed their bylaws, and starting July 1, 2023, all Members of a CGOA guild must be members of the CGOA. Dues for Crochet Texas! are $30 a year, and dues for the CGOA are $35 annually for a digital membership or $40 with a hard copy of Crochet World magazine.

You can enjoy almost all the benefits of Crochet Texas! by purchasing a Crochet Texas Annual Guest Pass for $30 a year. Classes, monthly door prizes, access to our video library, and more will be available to you. You will not have a vote in chapter business (but you will still have input in things like choosing classes). However, you can be a Committee leader or member. Also, you can get one State Fair of Texas crochet item entry fee reimbursed.

Please fill out a Membership Application. It will work for both CGOA Members and Guest Pass Applicants.

  • Crochet Texas! Benefits:
    • The dues pay for bringing in outside teachers, supplies for some of the classes, door prizes, tech, and more.
    • We sometimes get donations of yarn for charity projects. Although you don’t have to use that specific yarn for a project for that charity, you are supposed to “pay it back” by doing some type of charity crochet.
    • Some local yarn shops will give Crochet Texas! a discount. This is usually the same discount they give to Ravelry members, and the two discounts cannot be combined.
  • Charity_7CGOA Benefits include:
    • Four (4) issues of Crochet World magazine (including CGOA Chain Link newsletter)
    • Selected national e-retail discounts
    • Participation in quarterly Crochet Along events (CALs) that offer free patterns and allow you to connect with the CGOA community by working on the same project
    More great benefits.